Internet Access
The interactive web page you will be using to report runner times and status requires an Internet connection. You can test your connection’s upload speed HERE.
If your checkpoint is NOT equipped with an Ethernet or WiFi connection during the event (see below), you will need to access to the Internet via a cellular phonecard or smartphone. If you do not have access to one of these, contact the webmaster in advance of event weekend. We may be able to come up with a loaner.
Needed Equipment
- Laptop (WiFi capable) and power cord
- Google Chrome Web Browser (latest)
- Login Credentials (provided by Runner Tracking Coordinator)
- Appropriate clothing and personal items for duration of time at station.
- Chair
- Food if dietary restrictions
- Timer Sheets to manually record runner IN/OUT as requested for each Aid Station. These sheets will be provided by Race.
- Writing utensils and notepad. A clipboard might be available.
Scroll down to view detailed notes about your assigned Checkpoint…
Robinson Flat
Location: Near the intersection where the Foresthill Divide Road T’s into Forest Service Road 43.
Set Up: by 8am — first runner expected about 9:30am.
Tear Down: after 2:00pm cutoff, when released by NCS.
Web Connection: Direct connect via smartphone or via cellcard in your laptop. If cellular coverage is not available, checkpoint coverage will not be possible other than by HAM radio.
- Allow 45 min travel time from Foresthill (1.5 hrs from Auburn). The road beyond Foresthill is narrow, but paved all the way to Robinson Flat.
- You may want to drive into Robinson the night before and camp out.
- Best location for laptop is close to the IN timers if wifi signal is good. Definitely need a spot that is out of the sun.
- Best location for cellphone WiFi router is on the elevated flat around the corner to your left as you reach the end of the pavement at Robinson. Work with HAM Radio crew to assure you have adequate power to run the router box, if used.
- Depending on where you are set up, timer sheets must be brought to you by a volunteer from the IN timers and/or the OUT timers.
- Cellphone service in the Robinson Flat area is medium on Verizon and only in certain places.
- If stable coverage is not available, check in with the Runner Tracking Coordinator via HAM radio to inform them that no data entry will be available at the Aid Station and runner information will be relayed to Net Control (NCS) via HAM Radio.
Michigan Bluff
Location: Downtown Michigan Bluff, just short of where the road ends in a cul-de-sac.
Set Up: by Noon — first runner expected about 1:15pm.
Tear Down: after 9:45pm cutoff, when released by NCS.
Web Connection:
WiFi at the Hall residence: Ethernet cable connection also available. WiFi password is provided separately.
Members of the press can use the connections to upload their stories and photos only during times as to not interfere with runner tracking, webcast or HAM Radio needs. Request to see their WS-issued credential before providing them access or password.
DO NOT share your sign-on or WiFi password with members of the public!
- Allow 15 min travel time from Foresthill (1 hr from Auburn).
- Parking in MB is at a premium. Be cooperative. Be prepared to walk a bit from where you have to park.
- Best location for laptop reporting (out of the sun) is across street from the IN timers, on the front porch of the Hall residence or in their garage at side of house.
- Timer sheets will have to be brought to you by another volunteer. Work with Timer volunteers to arrange this.
- Cellphone service in Michigan Bluff is good on Verizon.
Location: Parking lot of the Foresthill Elementary School, 24750 Main Street (north end of town.)
Set Up: by 1:00pm — first runner expected about 2:15pm.
Tear Down: after 11:45pm cutoff, when released by NCS.
Web Connection:
MiFi hotspot will be provided.
Members of the press are allowed to use the connections to upload their stories and photos only during times that do not interfere with runner tracking, webcast or HAM radio needs. Request to sight their WS-issued credential before providing them access.
- Allow 45 min travel time from Auburn.
- Timing mat for IN times. Manual entry for OUT times.
- Cellphone service in Foresthill is reliably good for all providers.
Rucky Chuck (aka, “RC near”)
Location: Near the campground at the bottom of Drivers Flat Road. Take Foresthill Divide Road from I-80 for about 8 miles to the turnoff. Use caution when driving this graded dirt road; it is very steep and rough in places. 4WD strongly recommended.
Set Up: by 3:00pm — first runner expected about 4:10pm.
Tear Down: after 5:00am cutoff, when released by NCS.
Web Connection: WiFi via cellular data card in Franciscos meadow area, about 100yds uphill from checkpoint.
- Allow 1 hour travel time from Auburn; enter via Drivers Flat access road. Road is steep and very rough. Take your time.
- Best location for laptop is close to the IN timers, depending on signal strength. Definitely need a spot that is out of the sun.
- Depending on where you are set up, timer sheets may have to be brought to you by another volunteer.
- Cellphone service in the Rucky Chuck area is marginal to poor, depending on location.
Auburn Lake Trails
Set Up: by 4:30pm — first runner expected about 5:30pm.
Tear Down: after 7:00am cutoff, when released by NCS.
Web Connection: WiFi to DSL router at private home, about 100yds uphill from checkpoint.
- Allow 45 min travel time from Auburn; enter via ALT Gate 1.
- Best location for laptop is close to the timers, (those manually recording times) depending on signal strength.
- Depending on where you are set up, timer sheets may have to be brought to you by another volunteer.
- ALT contact for DSL line is Frank Lieberman: 530-886-0890. Or Kevin Lundy at 530-889-2519 (or) Kevin knows Frank and can follow-up if you can’t reach Frank.
- Cellphone service in the ALT checkpoint area is marginal to good.
Pointed Rocks
Location: Checkpoint is near the town of Cool, .8 mile from the Cool Fire station at the intersection of the Olmstead Trail and the Wendell Robie Trail.
Set Up: by 6:00pm — first runner expected about 7:30pm.
Tear Down: after 9:40 am cutoff, when released by NCS.
Web Connection: MiFi hotspot or cell phone connection.
- Allow 30 min travel time from Auburn; check with CP Captain about parking.
- Best location for laptop is close to the timers (those manually recording times), depending on signal strength.
- Depending on where you are set up, timer sheets may have to be brought to you by another volunteer.
- Cellphone service in the Pointed Rocks checkpoint area is marginal to good.
Robie Point
Set Up: by 7:30pm — first runner expected about 8:40pm.
Tear Down: after 11:00am cutoff, or when released by NCS.
Web Connection: Smartphone, using phone-friendly web page. (Link to be provided separately.)
- Allow 10 min travel time from Auburn.
- Timer sheets may not be the best approach in this situation. Runners will pass you on their way toward the Finish, about a mile away on surface streets. Get their Bib# and note the time. Make your smartphone update at once. The Announcer at the Stadium will be monitoring your entries as a “heads up” for approaching finishers.
- Cellphone service in the Robie checkpoint area is medium strength.
Finish Line
Location: Finish Line is on the south side of the LeFebvre Stadium track at Placer High School. The entire stadium is used during the weekend of the WS Run.
Set Up: by 7:00pm — first runner expected about 7:30pm.
Tear Down: after 11:00am cutoff, when released by NCS.
Web Connection:
WiFi to Placer High School LAN. Bandwidth should be in excess of 10Mb download and 5Mb upload. Signon information provided separately.
DO NOT share signon info with members of the public!
Members of the press are allowed to use the WiFi to upload their stories and photos.
What to bring:
- Laptop, with WiFi capability.
- Current Firefox browser version highly encouraged (Mac or PC).
- AC charger — AC power is available at the base of the announcer’s booth above the bleachers and at various locations down on the field.
- Water and munchies.
- Wifi coverage at the Finish Line is excellent. Signon information will be provided separately.
- Cellphone service in the Finish Line area is excellent.
- Official times are logged automatically via a chip timer mat on the finish line. Laptop reports of finishers are independent of the chip times and, although unofficial, are necessary to assure a full accounting of runners who are no longer “On Trail.”
- Confirm who will be watching the Finish Line Clock to capture finish time and bib and relaying that information to data entry.
Net Control Station (NCS)
Location: NCS operates out of the Auburn Parks & Rec building adjacent to the parking lot for the American River Canyon Overlook, 855 Pacific Ave, Auburn. This is an off-trail location, about 1/2 mile from the Run Finish Line. Its location is optimum for line-of-sight HAM Radio communications with the various Run checkpoints in the American River canyon.
Set Up: First shift in place by 6:00am, Saturday — first runner reports expected from Lyon Ridge by about 6:30am.
Tear Down: Last shift, after 11:00am, Sunday, after all runners are safely off the course.
Web Connection:
DSL router with WiFi and cable connections.
DO NOT share signon info with members of the public!
- Many of the checkpoints do not have internet access. Their reports are sent via HAM radio to NCS. Laptop reports are made at NCS to capture this voice-based data feed.
- Some checkpoints may use a method of transmitting runner reports over HAM radio that converts the reports into an email. In this case the data needs to be extracted from the emails and loaded to the server. Exact procedure will be provided on site by the Runner Tracking Coordinator.
- Reporting conflicts that crop up during the event must be resolved by the NCS webcast crew, if possible.
- The official Decision Maker for all conflicts at NCS will be the current Shift Manager.
- All runners must be accounted for as safely Off Trail at the 11am Finish Cutoff, or as soon as possible thereafter. Full NCS capability must be maintained until the accounting is complete, regardless of the extra time required. Failure to account for all runners can trigger a Search & Rescue situation.
- Soft drinks and munchies provided by event.
- Cellphone service in the NCS area is excellent.