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Geeks Only

If you are a geek and really like numbers, this page is for you. It is mostly a collection of statistics by Tropical John Medinger, but there are also others who have and will contribute to this page. If you have other suggestions for content or have something geeky that others might be interested in, let us know.


Top Finish Times

Here are the all-time top 100 times for men and women from 1986 onward.

All-time Top 100 Men

All-time Top 100 Men

1Jim Walmsley29AZ201914:09:28
2Jim Walmsley - 234AZ202414:13:35
3Rod Farvard28CA202414:24:15
4Hayden Hawks33UT202414:24:31
5Jared Hazen24AZ201914:26:46
6Jim Walmsley - 328AZ201814:30:04
7Daniel Jones33NZL202414:32:29
8Caleb Olson28UT202414:40:12
9Tom Evans31GBR202314:40:22
10Jim Walmsley - 431AZ202114:46:01
11Timothy Olson28OR201214:46:44
12Rob Krar38AZ201514:48:59
13Rob Krar - 237AZ201414:53:22
14Jonathan Albon35GBR/NOR202414:57:01
15Tom Evans - 227GBR201914:59:44
16Ryan Sandes30ZAF201215:03:56
17Tyler Green39OR202315:04:59
18Tyler Green - 240UT202415:05:39
19Geoff Roes34AK201015:07:04
20Anthony Costales34UT202315:09:16
21Jia-Sheng Shen29CHN202415:09:49
22Jonathan Rea32CO202415:13:10
23Adam Peterman26MT202215:13:48
24Anton Krupicka26CO201015:13:52
25Timothy Olson - 229OR201315:17:27
26Seth Swanson36MT201515:17:28
27Chirs Myers28CO202415:18:25
28Blake Slattengren28WA202415:18:57
29Seth Swanson - 235MT201415:19:39
30Jia-Sheng Shen - 228CHN202315:19:42
31Matt Daniels31CO201915:21:36
32Rob Krar - 336AZ201315:22:05
33Daniel Jones32NZL202315:22:15
34Kilian Jornet23ESP201115:34:24
35Ji Duo31CHN202415:35:30
36Mark Hammond34UT201915:36:12
37Scott Jurek30WA200415:36:27
38Dylan Bowman28CA201415:36:41
39Mathieu Blanchard35QC202315:37:02
40Jared Hazen - 220CO201515:37:55
41Mike Wolfe33MT201115:38:29
42Ryan Montgomery29UT202315:38:35
43Andrew Miller20OR201615:39:36
44Mike Morton25VA199715:40:41
45Gediminas Grinius35LTU201515:40:55
46Jeffrey Colt32CO202315:42:09
47Gediminas Grinius - 239LTU201915:43:50
48Nick Clark38CO201215:44:09
49Max King34OR201415:44:45
50Mike Morton - 241FL201315:45:21
51Ryan Sandes - 232ZAF201415:46:59
52Hayden Hawks31UT202215:47:22
53Ian Sharman33CA201415:47:50
54Nick Clark - 237CO201115:50:23
55Dave Mackey42CO201215:53:36
56Alex Varner28CA201415:53:42
57Tom Johnson32CA199115:54:05
58Stephen Kersh27AZ201915:54:15
59Patrick Reagan32GA201915:54:31
60Cole Watson31CA202315:54:36
61Ian Sharman - 231OR201215:54:38
62Francois D'Haene32FRA201815:54:53
63Jeff Browning47UT201915:55:06
64Jez Bragg30GBR201115:55:08
65Kyle Pietari32CO201915:56:13
66Arlen Glick29OH202215:56:17
67Thomas Lorblanchet35FRA201515:56:32
68Brendan Davies37AUS201415:56:49
69Tyler Green - 338OR202215:57:10
70Zeke Tiernan36CO201215:57:59
71Scott Jurek - 229WA200316:01:18
72Dylan Bowman - 226CO201216:03:24
73Kilian Jornet - 222ESP201016:04:50
74Jorge Maravilla34CA201216:05:30
75Nick Clark - 336CO201016:05:56
76Tsuyoshi Kaburaki42JPN201116:07:04
77Ryan Sandes - 337ZAF201916:08:12
78Mark Hammond - 233UT201816:08:59
79Drew Holmen30CO202216:09:00
80Janosch Kowalczyk32DEU202316:09:19
81Tyler Green - 337OR202116:11:02
82Hal Koerner31OR200716:12:16
83Joe Uhan34OR201216:13:14
84Rod Farvard - 227CA202316:15:55
85Didrik Hermansen36NOR201616:16:08
86Neal Gorman35VA201216:18:40
87Timothy Olson - 327OR201116:18:42
88Scott Jurek - 328WA200216:19:10
89Ryan Sandes - 435ZAF201716:19:37
90Ludovic Pommeret46FRA202216:20:02
Brett Rivers32CA201416:20:06
Ian Sharman - 332CA201316:20:25
93Ludovic Pommeret - 247FRA202316:21:54
94Petter Engdahl29NOR202416:22:36
95Drew Holmen - 229CO202116:23:09
96Ian Sharman - 437OR201816:23:32
97Brian Purcell32CA198816:24:00
98Hal Koerner - 233OR200916:24:55
99Vincent Viet38FRA202216:28:22
100Alex Nichols37CO202216:28:34

All-time Top 100 Women

All-time Top 100 Women

1Courtney Dauwalter38CO202315:29:33
2Katie Schide32ME/FRA202415:46:57
3Fuzhao Xiang32CHN202416:20:03
4Eszter Csillag39HUN/HKG202416:42:17
5Katie Schide - 231ME/FRA202316:43:35
6Ellie Greenwood33BC201216:47:19
7Emily Hawgood29ZWE/CA202416:48:43
8Yngvild Kaspersen29NOR202416:50:39
9Ida Nilsson42SWE/NOR202416:56:52
10Eszter Csillag - 238HUN/HKG202317:07:55
11Beth Pascall33GBR202117:10:42
12Heather Jackson40OR202417:16:43
13Katie Asmuth37CA202317:21:06
14Ruth Croft33NZL202217:21:30
15Clare Gallagher27CO201917:23:25
16Emily Hawgood - 228ZWE202317:26:22
17Courtney Dauwalter - 233CO201817:27:00
18Rachel Drake33UT202417:28:35
19Priscilla Forgie33AB202417:30:24
20Ruth Croft - 232NZL202117:33:48
21Leah Yingling33UT202417:33:54
22Brittany Peterson33ID201917:34:29
23Ann Trason33CA199417:37:51
24Taylor Nowlin32WA202317:40:11
25Ragna Debats42ESP202117:41:13
26Ida Nilsson - 242SWE/NOR202317:43:34
27Priscilla Forgie - 232AB202317:46:34
28Ailsa Macdonald41CAN202217:46:46
29Leah Yingling - 232UT202317:49:00
30Anna Louden31CA202417:53:10
31Ellie Greenwood - 232AB201117:55:29
32Kaci Lickteig32NE201917:55:55
33Kaci Lickteig - 229NE201617:57:59
34Stephanie Howe30OR201418:01:42
35Marianne Hoburg32CAN202218:05:48
36Beth Pascall - 231GBR201918:06:51
37Brittany Peterson - 235ID202118:07:42
38Rory Bosio27CA201218:08:06
39Luiza Buehler40CHE202218:08:32
40Meghan Morgan25CO202318:11:32
41Nikki Kimball36MT200718:12:37
42Camelia Mayfield27OR201918:13:31
43Kaytlyn Gerbin30WA201918:13:33
44Ann Trason - 231CA199218:14:48
45Emily Hawgood - 327ZWE202218:16:02
46Ann Trason - 341CA200218:16:26
47Kami Semick44OR201118:17:34
48Nikki Kimball - 240MT201118:17:39
49Aliza Lapierre32VT201218:18:29
50Tracy Garneau42BC201118:22:15
51Katie Asmuth - 235CA202118:23:24
52Anita Ortiz45CO200918:24:17
53Krissy Moehl34CO201218:29:15
54Larisa Dannis26NH201418:29:18
55Ann Trason - 430CA199118:29:37
56Nikki Kimball - 341MT201218:31:39
57Emma Davies37CA200218:32:17
58Lizzy Hawker36CHE201218:32:20
59Leah Yingling - 331UT202218:32:31
60Ann Trason - 529CA199018:33:02
61Ann Trason - 640CA200118:33:34
62Ann Trason - 742CA200318:36:03
63Rory Bosio - 226CA201118:37:17
64Pam Smith38OR201318:37:21
65Audrey Tanguy33FRA202118:37:45
66Annette Bednosky38NC200518:39:02
67Emily Schmitz43WI202418:39:55
68Ann Trason - 834CA199518:40:01
69Kaytlyn Gerbin - 229WA201818:40:59
70Nikki Kimball - 433MT200418:43:25
71Nathalie Mauclair43FRA201418:43:57
72Aliza Lapierre - 231VT201118:45:25
73Ann Trason - 937CA199818:46:16
74Taylor Nowlin - 231WA202218:46:42
75Ann Trason - 1028CA198918:47:46
76Jenny Quilty34BC202318:49:13
77Meghan Canfield50OR201118:50:19
78Camille Herron40OK202218:51:54
79Lauren Puretz41CO202418:52:25
80Kathy D'Onofrio23CA198818:52:40
81Lotti Brinks36DEU/ID202418:53:39
82Careth Arnold34CO202418:53:39
83Amy Sproston42OR201618:54:44
84Nicole Bitter37AZ201918:55:14
85Ann Trason - 1135CA199618:57:36
86Kathryn Drew32BC201918:59:08
87Lucy Bartholomew22AUS201818:59:45
88Tracy Garneau - 241BC201019:01:55
89Magdalena Boulet41CA201519:05:21
90Ann Trason - 1232CA199319:05:22
91Emma Davies - 236CA200119:09:34
92Tina Lewis39CO201219:09:49
93Devon Yanko34CA201619:10:08
94Pam Smith - 239OR201419:10:42
95Amy Sproston - 238OR201219:11:02
96Emily Hawgood - 426ZWE202119:13:55
97Meghan Canfield - 249OR201019:15:58
98Beverley Anderson-Abbs41CA200519:16:26
99Camelia Mayfield - 228OR202119:17:20
100Amanda Basham28UT201819:17:59

All-Time Fastest Splits

Western States 100 Fastest All-Time Splits
Start to Red Star RidgeTim Ball, 19892:19Lizzy Hawker, 20122:31
(mile 0.0 to 16.0)Hal Koerner, 20092:23Katie Schide, 20242:36
Dave Mackey, 20092:23Anita Ortiz, 20092:41
Rory Bosio, 20122:41
Ellie Greenwood, 20122:41
Red Star Ridge to Robinson FlatJim Walmsley, 20191:51Katie Schide, 20242:08
(mile 16.0 to 30.3)Jim Walmsley, 20211:51Courtney Dauwalter, 20232:10
Jared Hazen, 20191:53Katie Schide, 20232:11
Robinson Flat to Last ChanceJim Walmsley, 20191:29Katie Schide, 20241:35
(mile 30.3 to 43.3)Jim Walmsley, 20211:29Courtney Dauwalter, 20231:38
Tom Evans, 20231:30Katie Schide, 20231:38
Dakota Jones, 20231:30
Jonathan Albon, 20241:30
Last Chance to Devil's ThumbJim Walmsley, 20210:44Katie Schide, 20240:50
(mile 43.3 to 47.8)Mark Brotherton, 19890:46Courtney Dauwalter, 20230:51
Kilian Jornet, 20110:47Courtney Dauwalter, 20190:52
Jim Walmsley, 20170:47
Jim Walmsley, 20190:47
Jared Hazen, 20190:47
Jim Walmsley, 20240:47
Devil's Thumb to Michigan BluffJim Walmsley, 20191:08Courtney Dauwalter, 20231:16
(mile 47.8 to 55.7)Jared Hazen, 20191:09Ellie Greenwood, 20121:18
Jim Walmsley, 20211:12Katie Schide, 20241:19
Tom Evans, 20231:12
Dakota Jones, 20231:12
Michigan Bluff to ForesthillTom Evans, 20230:50Courtney Dauwalter, 20230:56
(mile 55.7 to 62.0)Dakota Jones, 20230:50Katie Schide, 20230:58
Jim Walmsley, 20160:51Fuzhao Xiang, 20240:59
Jim Walmsley, 20190:51
Jared Hazen, 20190:51
Foresthill to River CrossingRob Krar, 20142:03Courtney Dauwalter, 20232:10
(mile 62.0 to 78.0)Jim Walmsley, 20192:05Katie Asmuth, 20232:25
Jared Hazen, 20192:05Katie Schide, 20242:23
Fuzhao Xiang, 20242:23
River Crossing to Pointed RocksJim Walmsley, 20242:19Courtney Dauwalter, 20232:38
(mile 78.0 to 94.6)Tom Evans, 20192:27Fuzhao Xiang, 20242:48
Hayden Hawks, 20242:29Eszter Csillag, 20242:49
Daniel Jones, 20242:29
Pointed Rocks to FinishHayden Hawks, 20240:46Clare Gallagher, 20190:51
(mile 94.6 to 100.2)Patrick Reagan, 20190:48Courtney Dauwalter, 20230:55
Blake Slattengren, 20240:48Katie Schide, 20230:55
Eszter Csillag, 20230:55
Priscilla Forgie, 20240:55

Ranking Years by Difficulty

Median finish times 1986 and onward. It should be noted that both 1995 and 1998 the finish time cutoff was extended to 32 hours. While those years were arguably very difficult they do skew the median times.

YearMedian TimeRank
199528:15:001<--- Hardest
202426:25:38 25
201224:48:2937<--- Easiest

Diamond Groups

Here is an interesting way to help you determine what splits you might want to target.  This idea came from The Great Ed Willson of Eugene, OR and coded by Julie Schulte. The splits for each segment are separated into finish hour groups. Let’s say you want to run 22-23 hours. You can look at the splits that the 22-23 hour finishers ran. Outliers to the positive ran slower for that segment that other 22-23 hour finishers, while outliers to the negative ran faster than the group. The perfect split for your time goal may be right in the middle of your diamond group.

Ed Willson’s Diamond Charts

Runner Surveys

Beginning in 2014, there has been an independent survey conducted by ultralive.net as runners go through check-in the day before the race in Squaw Valley. Participation is completely voluntary.



Mathematical analysis of lottery by Ryan Witko.


The Statistical Guide to a Silver Buckle by Ryan Witko.

Tevis and Western States Finishers

The Western States Endurance Run honors its beginnings from the Western States Trail Ride (Tevis Cup). Through the years, inspired by the draw of the Western States Trail, these athletes have met the challenge of both events.